Having been totally absorbed by a performance of Mahler's Symphony No 3, conducted by Bernard Haitink, from the BBC Proms courtesy of BBC4, I thought it time to repost a poem of mine on my poetry blog. The poem On Listening to Mahler can be found on Mal's Factory here -
If you're wary of clicking links the address, which you may cut and paste is:

Friday, July 29, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Flummoxed by Circumstance
heat and humidity of the past week have certainly, but
unsurprisingly, had a detrimental effect on my relative state of
well-being. Even before the hottest day arrived, I was already
suffering payback, for over-exertion, in my desire to optimize the
length of time & distance spent walking our gorgeous dog Piper.
impaired by that payback I'm somewhat flummoxed when trying to
determine how much of my current ailments, tenderness of lymph nodes
(both axillary and cervical), aching bones feeling somewhat as if
they've been hollowed out and lined with lead and undergoing extreme
gravitational tugs of war, are a continuation of the earlier payback
and how much solely a response to climatic conditions.
reluctantly had to resort to supports applied to wrist, elbow, knee,
ankle, and even tubular bandages covering most of my arm. I don't
know whether this use of tubular bandage serves as some kind of
lymphatic massage but, it certainly helps. Unfortunately, alongside
the physical ailments, a re-active depression has had a deleterious
effect on my ability to respond rationally to any minor physical or
emotional setback.
morning as I lay on my bed, chokingly sobbing, Piper ran up the
stairs, placed his head beside mine and lay with me for a few
minutes; that in itself demonstrated that his presence in our life
proves therapeutic. I have actually managed a couple of shorter walks
with the boy in the cooler parts of the evening.
is certainly becoming more confident since joining our family,
barking a confident disapproval of large darkly coloured dogs
encountered on his walks, yet offering friendly sniff-based greeting
to many other canines that he had at first cowered away from. Judging by
this behaviour, I suspect that the scattering of scars on head and
torso, received whilst in the pound, were caused by a really large
dark coloured canine. He has certainly gained a good knowledge of our
nearby footpaths and bridleways and seems to let his walker know when
he's ready to head back home.
his mistress's scent |
Piper |
Piper |
I spend much more time with the dog at home, than my beloved OH
manages (owing to other commitments), she is definitely his dominant
other. Fortunately, he now spends less time dolorously searching for
his mistress when her other duties call and, this weekend he has been
left solely in my charge, as his chosen other ventured down to the
south of the country for a couple of days and nights. Now, after 10
hours of Helen's absence he has just been casting a few longing
glances at the door of the lounge but, then goes trotting around the
garden, looking for possible sources of mischief. On returning to the
house he welcomes my attention before checking out the door once
more, anxiously awaiting his mistresses return.
days I hate, almost fear, spending evenings and nights alone in the
house, feeling rather vulnerable, due no doubt, at least in part to
my sundry physical (and reactive emotional) ailments but, I'm sure
that Piper's companionship will help.
Friday, July 15, 2016
HOUDINI HOUND brings on payback but provides much
therapeutic HEALING – the PIPER chronicles
Wednesday night was a time
of moderate payback for the additional (voluntary) exertion / exercise I’ve been taking since the adorable Piper came
into my life. Generally though, the dog is proving almost miraculously
therapeutic, enabling in me a calm which I’ve not experienced in more years
than I care to remember, as well as taking longer walks than I’d been able to
manage in the preceding 13 years.
The form the payback took
was not at all conducive to sleep,
not even of the far too prevalent non-refreshing
variety. A simple flick of the bedsheet across the top of my toes, or even an
individual digit, caused an unwitting flailing of lower limbs and a hard to
suppress need to scream out a string of expletives. Big toes were overwhelmed
with a throbbing ache, whilst the full complement of subservient digits tingled
with what felt like a potent electrical charge. During Thursday I experienced a not
insignificant degree of confusion and reduced power of concentration.
To be perfectly honest,
I’m quite relieved that the payback has remained relatively mild! Our little Piper
seems quite sensitive towards my de-energized state of being, leaning in to me
rather than demanding a deeper rough & tumble commitment.
I’m constantly amazed and
charmed by Piper’s character and personality, especially the winning way in
which he commands one’s attention and affection. The sudden burst of energy
which emanates from an apparently dormant canine must cause terror in any
feline character that dare trespass on his territory, his home patch. The
vigorous way he wags his tail, when greeting his people, is a sight to behold –
more like a full body shake. I’m pretty certain that a simple greeting, from
Piper, expends far more energy than any (so called) long-life / heavy duty
battery could ever produce!
His late night bounds into
the garden will occasionally produce a basso profundo woof that belies the
originators size! Sometimes it may be a feline intruder, which swiftly flees
from his territory, at other times he’s somewhat bemused by the little sphere
of spikes which appears as he approaches a strolling hedgehog. The boy seems to
have an inbuilt hedgehog sensor and, as a result we’re discovering that our
long term efforts at developing our garden a wildlife friendly environment is
proving successful. On one occasion I observed a couple of juvenile hedgehogs,
snuffling along, at one edge of the longer grass area whilst Piper found
another source of interest at the opposite side of the same area. Quite
remarkably he responded to my wilfully distracting call, made to lead him away
from the juvenile ‘hogs path, as he came and trotted by my side, tail held
aloft, back into the house.
After he’d found it
possible to utilise a garden bench as a springboard, to surmount a quite high
fence into our neighbours garden, an immediate re-siting of the planter laden
bench was essential. The amazing thing is that he gave us a demonstration of
how easily he’d managed this astounding feat shortly after returning home from
the scene of his accomplishment.
The day following the
great escape, Piper demonstrated, to yours truly, that with a clearer run-up to
that section of fence he was already close to making another leap to freedom.
Immediate DIY work was called for, as an old Mothercare fireguard was quickly
dis-assembled and it’s component parts utilized to add additional height to
that particular section of the fence. Our bundle of boundless energy has
certainly brought much added colour and joy into our lives.
Piper tries out his new bed
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
Those who pay the Piper are made to follow his tune
It really
is amazing how quickly the world, at least in one’s personal sphere, can be
turned upside down and inside out. Less than two weeks ago Piper came to visit
us and, different facets of his character seem to appear almost daily. Compared
to his physical stature, 15 kilograms of energy – his personality is absolutely
enormous, lets imagine it in weight – 1500 kg as a minimum!
It seems quite
strange, to me at least, that a creature always so eager to please can at times
prove even more stubborn than the proverbial mule! Piper knows his own mind,
and, he’ll always jump at the least opportunity to turn our will into a mirror
of his own desire. He has eyes that could melt the hardest of hearts and a
mischievousness that entertains substantially more than it irritates. By now
you may have guessed that I love him.
the love, there is a modicum of anxiety at the way he frets when my OH goes out
of the house and, I start to wonder how he’ll react when she goes away for a
couple of days. At least his little whine at the door as she departs, sans
Piper of course, now dissipates rather quickly as he manages to attract my full
attention. The settling down period also involves his desire to run upstairs,
bound up on the bed and placing paws on the headboard as he looks out of the
window for any sign of his mistresses person. The next step often involves
placing his paws on my knees whilst I tickle and stroke him under his chin and
the top of his chest. Of course, he’s
always on the lookout for treats having the appetite of a Desperate Dan (with
his cow pies) and, proffers a downhearted look of dismay if a food treat is not
present, I have a cast-iron resolve not to yield to his (innocent) greed; but
he still loves me, I think. His bouts of apparently boundless energy are
balanced with more than an equivalent amount of relaxation and sleep;
admittedly I have little record of what occurs when his master and mistress are
upstairs asleep. He quickly started to recognize my nocturnal routine, as I put
on the outside light whilst he bounds, or slowly meanders, following a
multitude of scents, around the garden.
beloved, Helen, invariably heads off to the land of nod a little while before
me, but once I start to switch off TV or radio and the aquarium light, he
settles himself on the sofa, having first made a little nest out its sundry
throws, but is sometimes distracted as he grabs and growlingly shakes a soft
toy. Even then, as I move towards the door of the sitting room he casts a
doleful glance my way before I switch off the light and wish him “good night”.
As well
as the sofa, which he often shares with ma belle during the day, he
occasionally has a penchant for my armchair, and thereby hangs a tale / tail!
On Monday my beloved went out for an early evening meal, with her friend Hilary,
at a time shortly before Piper’s feed time. As my beloved went out Piper seemed
quite sleepily settled on their shared sofa. At that point I went through to
the kitchen to prepare his evening feed, knowing he would dash through as soon
as the food sounded into the bowl.
As he
entered the kitchen he appeared to have a shamed look on his face, tail curled
beneath him. This seemed most unusual as he’s usually so eager to ‘wolf’ down
his food. Now I have to explain that I have a table beside my armchair, on
which I keep and use, my laptop; on this table my beloved had left some
buttered bread and a package containing Shropshire
Blue cheese. As I moved back to the armchair I began to understand Piper’s
signs of guilt, when I saw the cheese, now partially unwrapped, on the seat
cushion of the armchair, the dairy product itself displayed some give-away
canine (no, not human canine teeth) toothmarks. In a matter of a minute, the
drowsy canine had moved across the room from sofa to armchair and found the
proximity of, cheese bearing, computer
table to his olfactory organ overwhelming!
The day
that the boy arrived, chez nous, Beth brought him (amongst other delights) a
synthetic chewing bone with a tasty filling. During the following days it has
been buried in gravel adjacent to the house, in previously compressed ground
near to the summerhouse and, in ground
behind the large shed, In that bone he’d met his match; long lasting chews or Bonio
biscuits are devoured almost as swiftly as they’re presented to him, but that
bone really took a gnawing between the intermittent relocations.
when Helen went out to the local shops, Piper came through to join me in the
front room, before jumping on the sofa in the sitting room. Next thing, I
noticed him bouncing upstairs, quite obviously to his lookout point to check on
his mistresses whereabouts! When I heard a burst of growling woofs, emanating
from the bedroom, I went upstairs to check on what was going on.
Piper was
on the bed with his nose, snuffling away, underneath my pillow. Having told the
boy to calm down, I lifted the pillow only to find the soil laden bone, and a
generous selection of paw spread soil paintings on the undersheet.
No doubt about it, a complete change of
bed-linen was called for and the “buried treasure” has found its way into a
waste disposal bin. There’s maybe more I could tell you but I’m beginning to
tire; so I bid my readers a fond adieu.
bed linen,
blue Shropshire cheese,
hidden treasure,
ma belle,
Sunday, July 03, 2016
Times they are a changing as the Piper calls
A time of change; as all things turn, there is
always a return made, an apparent centring to what has been a slow created
essence of one’s being! Quite why I scribbled down that opening line, I’m a
little uncertain but, I am aware that certain changes, so rapidly, assimilate
to one’s sense of place that they swiftly seem as if they had always been!
We have swiftly adapted to the revamped home,
following the many weeks during which the extension work, chez nous, took
place. Somehow it seems as if the adaptations had been made to accommodate our
family’s latest arrival. As yet we await confirmation that we will be able to
adopt our foster boy ‘Piper’.
Piper is a beagle and (assumed) Labrador
cross, he certainly has many of the traits that are typical of beagles, always following
scents of potential prey wherever he goes, and he has an insatiable appetite
for food. The beagle trait is unmistakeable in the head and his colouring is
quite like a less saturated version of a red fox Labrador .
Having spent five years in a pound in Spain , where he
was bullied and attacked by other dogs, he has a slightly nervous disposition
but, has settled in wonderfully into our household. At first he seemed to have
a wariness of homo sapiens males, much preferring the female of the species but
I was surprised how quickly he accepted me. Piper is definitely a people dog,
and has swifltly re-organised the days for ma belle et moi. He’s just so
Ma Belle generally takes him for morning walk
before he has his first meal of the day, so she’s getting the most exercise she
has had in quite sometime, sometimes I accompany them both, for at least some of
the time, in the evening! Thursday evening I actually managed the longest walk
that I’ve had since 2003, and only had minimal payback in terms of a minor
degree of shatteredness. Admittedly the back support came into play last
evening, as I’d sprained the muscles on the left hand side of my back, probably
caused when competing for space in my favourite armchair!
In the morning it’s wonderful to be greeted by the
bounding energy ball, that is Piper, as he races upstairs and pounces upon the
duvet, expressing his joy in being here
to share my life. Usually a quite boisterous greeting but, this morning, as if
acknowledging my back-aching jadedness, he just flopped beside me, forepaws
placed gently over my arm.
We are fortunate in having a reasonably well
secured, sizeable garden which he always enjoys exploring, in his preparedness
to see off any trespassing felines. Just like us he enjoys a reasonably
sustained chilled out flop, between bouts of exercise and/or feeding.
In the eight / nine days he has been with us I’ve
not needed to resort to wrist, elbow, or shoulder supports, nor have I needed
to increase my pain-killer intake. If being part of our family is as
therapeutic for him as it is for me, we are both well and truly blessed. My step-daughter
Beth who lives, with her four cats, across town is totally smitten with the boy
and happily proffers her dog walking services for Piper.
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