This post originally appeared on another blog of mine in 2005, based on some earlier scribblings of mine in an (unfriendly/hostile) online Christian Forum
A Susceptibility to Faith?
After undergoing an evangelical conversion
experience at the age of 19, there followed a spell of fervent evangelising
(perhaps alienating rather than helping the victims of my outreach!). On
experiencing the more conservative social values of my evangelical peers, I was
forced, by the more "mature" Christians, to choose between Christ or
At this point I tried hard to reject my Christian faith, even to the point of
asking God to reveal the unforgivable sin to me! An involvement in political
activism, an investigation of Eastern religions, and a later dabbling with
drugs, somehow never managed to fill a God-shaped void in my life.
Eighteen months of born-again Christianity was followed by many years in the
wilderness. Various apparent coincidences led me back to a Christian faith,
sensing the prodigality of the Father's love as he came out to welcome me
despite my aversion to many of his ardent followers.
My journey this time was via existential & linguistic philosophy,
literature and biblical criticism, subsequently by degree and post-grad studies
in Theology.
The secular homophobic attitude of many evangelicals saddens me, a reminder of
the social conservatism that forced me to seek de-conversion nearly forty years
ago. Although evangelicals now recognize the need for committed social action,
their intolerance and fear of peoples sexuality can blind them to many real
injustices in society at large.
Isn't it strange that issues of militarism, party politics, usury etc. do not
bring the threat of schism to the Anglican communion! Arms dealing and
legalised extortion are obviously insignificant when compared to the issue of
gay clergy!
My theology is now more liberal /radical than formerly yet, I still read and
study (contextually) the same scriptures, follow the same Lord and am prompted
by what seems to to be the same Holy Spirit as my evangelical brothers &
Is it a psychological weakness on my part, that I need FAITH, or is Faith my
necessary means to overcome the apparent impossibility of deriving an ought
from an is?

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
Jesus and Me
originally published on my 'Mal's Murmurings' blog in September 2005
transformed my life but, perhaps, in turn I changed his. His
story has
been transmitted to us via faith communities and, to
extent, each believer adapts this person to their own needs.
The power
of symbols is simply amazing. One time, I entered into
a personal
relationship with Jesus and, my God, was it hard. It’s
how he expected me to take on the comfortable lower
lifestyle of my peers in the faith. Some of them knew
no better,
they’d grown up with him as had I but, they’d never seen
the need
to rebel.
now there’s a pain, one may even have to start asking
and, even
worse, answering questions! Me and Jesus got along fine
for quite
some time, we shared all these intimate conversations but,
no … he
wasn’t prepared to back me whatever I chose to do; the
knew best on that score. God, how I loved Jesus social
and his love of the company of outsiders to the faith but,
to the pastor, it was only because he was divine that he
be tainted. It seems that somehow we poor fallen
couldn’t take that risk so, we had to set ourselves apart.
It wasn’t
long before we parted company, at least the church and
me; I don’t
think the Jesus symbol ever let me go! My journey took
me a long
way round after that, via Eastern religions, Trotskyist
and experimentation with various substances, asking
questions and collapsing along the way.
All this
time I remained under the spell of this divine symbol Jesus;
in him I
found a voice and image of inclusivity, his demands may be
hard but
ultimately that became part of the attraction. If no
were made how could one possibly grow? This time, the
weren’t to do with opposition to my working class status
but, more
to do with caring about the people it was necessary to
On my
return to the fold, even in a transitional state of charismatic
fervour, I
was far less inclined to “preach at” non-believers; the
important thing was that they should realize that I was there
for them.
For some time, strangers would turn up at my doorstep
or, I
would be granted an insight into someone’s need to be
It took so
long for the realization to grow that, the most important
thing was
quite simply to be there. Although full of doubts and
regarding the Christian faith, the symbols of the faith
have well
and truly grasped me. I am acceptable, tetchy human
that I may be.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
FAITH Matters
This posting was first published on my 'Mal's Murmurings' blog in January 2007
Faith Matters
FAITH is that set of values, and ultimate
questions, by which we lead our lives. Questions and doubts are an integral
component of faith, if we are not to become stuck in a rut of blind belief. I
have been grasped by certain concepts and values of community and compassion,
and much of the reported teachings of Jesus (acclaimed by many as the Christ),
throughout my life, both those in which I have been unwittingly indoctrinated
and, those which I have arrived at or returned to through a prolonged period of
It has always seemed a major mystery that some
people seem to "need a faith", some "seek a faith" by which
to measure their life’s course whilst others are quite simply
"grasped" by an ultimate concern which they have neither sought nor
been aware of a need for.
In my personal journey, I have at times
embraced (or been embraced) by each of these modes yet, a deep rooted
scepticism has proffered me a deep rooted intellectual and emotional resistance
to making room for such a faith. That same stubborn resistance also occurs when
anyone attempts to fob me off with multifarious scientific hypotheses
disguising them as facts. I suppose I’m slightly averse to ‘fundamentalisms’ be
they secular or religious.
Perhaps, with my low level reserves of
physical and emotional stamina, I do not pro-actively fight for my beliefs as
much as I should, but the mystery of LOVE (almost) always compels me to accept
a transcendent reality.
I am "grasped" by the person and
work of Jesus the Christ yet, am unable to accept much of the dogmatic
doctrinal baggage with which he has been encumbered. Some emphasize his
humanity, others his divinity, fully God and fully man proves a bit of a
conundrum yet, in this myth of the Christ many, including myself, have
found the strength to challenge the social and economic injustices of our day.
In spite of my deeply rooted sceptical nature,
it is far easier to accept the existence of God (all the flawed ontological/
teleological arguments for His/Her/Its existence notwithstanding) than it is to
understand how it is possible that so much bigotry, intolerance and, upholding
of the status quo can possibly be carried out in the name of Jesus Christ. It’s
as if the ideological baggage of state blessed Christendom has blinded us to
the truly radical nature of the Christ.
Friday, March 03, 2017
Sat to please
Piper gently whines missing his
mistress, and (the now back home) recuperating Beth; no matter how he laments
these absences, regardless of duration, they never seem to affect his appetite.
The prospect of a treat brings out his sunnier disposition, and his heart
melting gaze of adoration; a non-stop supply of food would be his idea of
I can frequently be a miserable
bugger, feeling totally emasculated as physical and emotional stamina rarely
seems up to (e.g. furniture shifting / re-arranging) tasks that once would have
been a doddle.
No matter how much I appreciate
those activities that I can (and do) manage, an aggressive and anxiety laden
self-pity, far too often, takes over. Our wonderful hound quite frequently
alleviates these more morose moments, just by his close proximity and his
readiness to please.
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