Monday, February 08, 2016

Eyewitness - Timeline - Headchange

This post also appears on Mal's Murmurings :

Eyewitness – Timeline – Headchange

150116 –  15.50hrs Attended Boots Optician for a (routine) eye test, reassuringly thorough, and made to feel at ease by optometrist, optician and all staff.

190116 Told to stop taking amitriptyline, usually taken at night, and sertraline, usually taken AM, with immediate effect. This was to be replaced immediately with trazodone, to be taken at night. When reading, as the pack advised, the enclosed Patient Information Leaflet it advised that one should not take trazodone if they have taken amitiptyline in the preceding fortnight!

As doctors, at surgery, were not forthcoming with a response to my concern, I quit amitrip and sertr. cold turkey, without taking the disputed new medication!
More details of these events can be found on my blog posts of 19, 29 and 25 January.

250116 Went to collect new spectacles from opticians – whilst en route to the opticians a most disconcerting sudden onset of a problem with my left eye occurred, A large floater, in the form of a black ring pirouetted through a full 360 degrees, dancing about and intermittently shooting at supersonic speed to a position several feet beyond my right side. My arms felt impelled to reach out to grasp this illusory element.

A few tests were carried out by the staff at the opticians but eye health seemed pretty good. I duly tried out and collevted the new spectacles.

020216 – took first dose of trazodone @22.20hrs

050216 – 12.30hrs fwd. Dramatically sudden decrease of vision occurred in left eye, an intensifying blurry veil stopping just short of total blindness, and a deep throbbing pain behind and surrounding the eye socket. When my beloved arrived home about 14.40hrs she immediately saw the need to drive me to the opticians pronto.

Both the opticians and optometrist carried out further thorough tests and scans, noticing a marked deterioration in my vision compared to my prescription of 15 January. The scans didn't reveal any damage or tears but, they made an appointment for me at Harrogate District Hospital Eye Clinic for 12.00 noon the next day.

By 23.00 hours my vision had improved significantly.

060216 – 12.00hrs attended Eye Clinic. Further tests and scans were performed before I went in to see the clinic's Consultant. After further tests, whilst I attempted to describe the experience, she gave a diagnosis of 'ocular migraine',(although typical episodes tend to disperse much more quickly than was the case for me!)

I subsequently discovered that anitriptylene has (not infrequently) been prescribed as a preventative for ocular migraine!

Perhaps if I'd remained on amitriptyline the ocular migraine would have been postponed. Alternatively, these events may have occurred nuch sooner had I never been prescribed the drug (to assist with night pain alongside tramadol)!

080216 – A severe overwhlming headache, cheek ache, eye ache persisted for much of the day, accompanied by giddiness and nausea.

Every day since commencing with trazodone(on 2 February) I've emerged into the day with a throbbing headache and in a stateveering towards total collapse – accompanied by a grey pallor.


PS after posting this blog, a friend, with considerable medical experience, was chatting with me on Skype - he happened to mention that 'blurred vision' was a known side effect of trazadone! He was also well aware of contra-indication re amitiptyline / trazodone.

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