Thursday, August 03, 2006

Slowly but Surely

For the first time in far too many a day, I decided to do a bit of reading before departing from the duvet realm. It’s the sort of book which I’d have read in a couple of days at one time, simultaneously scanning the pertinent contents / ideas to memory but, my concentration at the moment beats a retreat after about twenty minutes. On reflection, the fact that the writing held my attention and, I sustained concentration, for even that period of time, is a sign of progress!

After that ‘sustained’ bout of reading, I drifted back to dreamland and finally, rescued myself from the duvet lair a couple of hours later. Somehow, I found sufficient stamina in my energy bank to do a miniscule amount of work in the garden before rinsing out the filters from the pond’s filtration unit. It really feels good, being able to manage a few little tasks and, it provided an opportunity to restore a smidgen of glory to a rather tarnished halo.

Come early evening, my beloved having returned from work and a meal with Beth, we ventured out for one of our proverbial brief brisk walks. As we set off, we met Cathy’s friend Kate, who is currently recuperating from brain surgery and had a lovely chat. She’s just such a lovely radiant young lady, who seems to have lost little of her resilience despite the difficulties she has undergone over the past couple of years.

Unlike a few months ago, when any time spent stood in conversation meant that I lacked the stamina to continue the walk, we were able to finish our brisk stroll and, arrived home just in time to watch ‘The Inspector Lynley Mysteries’ (BBC1). Both the exercise and the TV gawping were gratefully received by yours truly!

Although progress may at times seem slow, I just have so much to be grateful for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's such a great feeling when you realise that you have just done something you aren’t normally capable of.

I hope you keep taking these steps forward and none back!