Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Few Tired Words

As unsolicited fatigue once more preoccupies my day, on both a physical and emotional plane, I find myself wondering whether I have anything to say. The cynic in me says, “who cares?”, as he recalls the fruitless political activism, spiritual questing, striving to put the world to rights, of my earlier years. Although I still hold dear the same social, political and spiritual aspirations, I no longer have the stamina to don my sackcloth and ashes and get out there where it’s all not happening!

One begins to wonder how long they must cope with interminable dis-ease filled days. At least I have the sense to realize just how fortunate I am, to have a roof over my head, food on the table and, warm clothing on my back. Even the pains, I frequently feel in joints and muscles, are usually tolerable; the real dispiriting factor is the lack of stamina and, inability to concentrate for any sustained period.

My good fortune extends even further when I acknowledge all the love I receive from friends and family and, especially from ma belle Helene. Perhaps the hardest part of not being ‘well’, is recognition of the stress it causes those who are concerned and care about you. Secondary to that, is the sense of guilt one has, on occasion veering towards the tearful, at not having any results to show for the passing of yet another day.

Tomorrow, I’m due for another session of acupuncture and, insofar as it means that someone is attempting to do something about my condition, I look forward to it!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to read you are so dispirited, old friend. Try to take some solace from all the love your friends and family have for you and which I know comes to you in great waves. As for the work ethic - fuck it (pardon my French). What you DO falls away with the doing, it's what you ARE that counts. And what you are is a hell of a man, a great soul with a passion for social justice, and a great capacity for love. I am not alone in saying that I am honoured to call you my friend. All my love.

Malcolm said...

Thanks Peter, that means a lot! Suppose I just can't help being so amazing!