Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Am Not Alone!

After a few discomforted weeks, in terms of collapses and general disorientation alongside my traditional muscular spasms and erratic body thermostat, I finally got around to seeing my GP again. This visit, ostensibly a follow up on the effectiveness of the nasal spray which I’ve been using for the past eight weeks, as a result of which I’ve only experienced miniscule improvement in the mucous stakes, provided the doctor with an opportunity to update on my general state of (un)wellbeing.

A positive note, regarding my general health, is that my thyroid function has improved, although I must admit the practical correlation to this improvement has been imperceptible. Although the phrases “post viral” and “chronic fatigue” had been thrown out en passant, during my GP visits, over the past twenty months or so, it wasn’t until the physiotherapist started visiting me, a few months back, that she diagnosed my condition as ME/CFIDS. Today, I discovered that the endocrinologist, who I had consulted with about eighteen months ago, had suggested ‘chronic fatigue’.

So now, apart from the acupuncture sessions, I have an appointment with my link worker for CBT in January and have today been referred to the Chronic Fatigue Unit in Leeds. Although I’m not expecting any miracles, it is good to feel that I am not alone! For this small mercy, I give thanks.

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