Thursday, March 09, 2006

Emergency Measures

A temporary mild spell of weather is now with us, an opportunity to check up on the pond once more and, remove the netting which has covered it since autumn. This morning’s visit proved timely indeed, as the first frogs had found their way to the pond. An emergency rescue was called for, as a copulating couple (of frogs I hasten to add) had managed, in their frenzy, to become entangled in the net’s edge. After a few minutes of careful manoeuvring, I was able to release the inseparable pair from this unintended snare.

Whilst up at the pond, I decided to do a bit of trimming back of the pond weed and, removed a little of the detritus that had somehow evaded our precautionary net. For the first time this season, I was able to watch a couple of the larger goldfish as they made a brief visit towards the pond’s surface; obviously the water temperature has risen a little from its recent rest within, and beneath, its hard ice shell. No sign of the baby goldfish today but, it’s still exciting to observe the signs of changing seasons.

By my standards, it turned out to be a rather busy morning but, I’m still alert enough to tell the tale. Much to my surprise, I’d even managed to take a shower without needing a rest before I applied myself to the task of getting dressed! Things are certainly starting to look up but, I still carefully listen out for my body’s request for rest.  

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