Monday, April 18, 2005

Denouncing And Announcing

'Phone calls disturbing the thought-flow, an unresolved problem with the pond-pump, an inability to find a required item ..... nothing major there but, yesterday morning it certainly sent me off into an angry tirade of metaphysical proportions. If in doubt, blame God ... whoa there, if in doubt it's questionable whether there's owt there to blame!

Anyway having dismissed the thought god (or the Thought God, or the thought "God"), what's left to rail against. If the doubt is meaningful enough turn it on oneself but, that's hardly likely to make one feel better.

So, what do I settle for; I denounce God but I've already (by this time) ackowledged that there is no existent object or subject responding to this name! The strange thing is, belief has never been a strong point of mine, it's always faith that grasps me.

Jesus shows us his understanding of (his) God's nature. This understanding leads him to care for the downtrodden and the outcast which, in its turn leads to resistance from the religious authorities as well as the imperialist Roman occupation forces. When he's executed by the imperial and religious authorities he leaves a lot of dispirited followers; I'm frequently dispirited when I see the collusion between conservative evangelicals and murderous gits like George Dubya but, I do know that something known as resurrection occurred and a core group of followers had the courage to live communistically and declare themselves as his followers. They proclaimed GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR.

When Jesus died, the end had occurred ... an end to complacency and an urgent demand to build the Republic of God here on earth. It is my hope against hope that one day the peacemakers
will overcome.

Anyway, to get back to the here and now; a post-lunch nap (following another of my succesful culinary inventions) helped to restore a little emotional energy/balance. The question of God's existence is not even on the agenda. I have Faith!

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