Thursday, July 06, 2006

Still Learning after all these years

A combination of weariness, the heat of the day and, the odd aching twinge, militated against me taking a walk for the second successive day (see ‘Progress Assumed’ on Mal’s Murmurings). Come mid-evening, when the heat of the day subsided a little, I managed to unlock a little reserve from the energy bank and, released the lawnmower from its temporary hibernation. I actually managed to mow most of the lawn area as well as retrieving the grassy pathways around our wild-meadow area.

I do seem to be learning when to call a halt to any activity, in order to avoid the (previously habitual) wrecked status, which seemed to haunt me for the next few days following any form of exertion. Following the mowing exercise, I am now enjoying the company of my beloved, who also came to join me in the garden, as we enjoy some time together in front of the goggle box.

I am indeed a fortunate man.

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