Thursday, June 02, 2005

Initiation into a new (medication) regime

Yesterday evening, I took my first minimal dosage of mirtazapine before finalizing some work on the PC. Unfortunately I fell into an hypnotic sleep demanding state, before I could finish the task in hand, as a result of which I entered the duvet-realm before the witching hour's arrival.

Awoke from my slumbers around 5.00am, trance-like obeying a call of nature. Once my head hit the pillow again all is blank unti sometime after 10.00am. Felt unable to shift my leaden body, from the vale of repose, for a further hour. perhaps the fact that I've been taking the odd analgesic to ease back discomfort has added to mirtazapine's impact.

In another five days, I shall be doubling the dosage of this particular anti-depressant but, I am hoping my current hypnotized state is purely a passing rite of initiation.

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