Thursday, November 24, 2005

Below Par

I hope to God that tears are beneficial as, I’ve shed a few this evening. I’m also trusting that yesterday’s acupuncture session has yet to kick in, as I’m generally feeling like shit today. Knees suddenly giving way as I stand up, followed by what feels like a cramping electric shock through the base of the spine, are simply the current (not of the AC or DC kind) intermittent manifestation of my physical well-being! Even the necessary effort of clearing mucous from my throat has, today, become a cause for self-pity.

The lack of energy, coupled with an inability to concentrate on anything, for more than a few minutes, is taking its toll on my usually good self-esteem. The ugly beast of guilt rears its head for my shameful inactivity; there are just so many social pressures that make “the unproductive” feel like lepers.

Today, you may have gathered, has not been the best of days!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you've had a tough day Malcolm. I understand what you mean about the social pressures regarding being supposedly 'unproductive'. We live in a society obsessed in a quite utilitarian way with the world of work. It's hard to remember that just to be here is enough.

Malcolm said...

Thanks Martyn for your welcome words ... it sure is hard to remember! At least my beloved realizes it.