Friday, September 23, 2005

Food For Thought

Although I got up reasonably early this morning, I've not yet felt ready to have any breakfast. Sure, I know all the arguments about the importance of this first food input of the day but, quite honestly, I'm just not hungry!

As I've been surfing the web, I came across this powerful and well presented PDF - Hunger In A World of Plenty: Facts Have Faces - and, once more it hit home just what a privileged life I lead! Whereas I can skip a meal, simply because I don't feel like it, there are millions who would love to have that luxury.

I am totally convinced that, if only we in the developed world had the political will, hunger could be abolished. An accompanying scandal is the degree of poverty prevalent in the most affluent nations.

Strange, how suddenly I begin to feel both hungry and, not a little, guilty!

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