Thursday, October 20, 2005

Thought For The Day

Having been prompted by yesterday afternoon's radio play (reported by Heterocon), I finally got around to writing to our friend Brian, currently a guest in one of Her Majesty's penal institutions. Whenever I think of Brian, I can't help but consider the words of Phil Ochs "There But For Fortune".

Brian is, tragically, an alcoholic. His prison sentence, as on previous occasions, is alcohol related. Sober, Brian is one of the most gentle and caring people it has been my privilege to know but, when fired up with alcohol violence is an almost inevitable accompaniment. Sadly, there are far too many people around who revel in the prospect of a bit of aggro! Result, a charge of GBH ... having a record doesn't assist one's cause come the search for culpability.

He himself recognizes that he is not nice to know when he has had a drink; he would never impose himself on friends' hospitality when he's fallen off the wagon.

"There But For Fortune": there have been times earlier in my life when I've drunk to excess, resulting in arrest and, even sectioning under the Mental health Act. But, I am fortunate ... I am not an alcoholic, I can enjoy a drink simply for the pleasure of it's flavour; there's not even any risk attached to taking communion (where fermented grapes are the order of the day).

It is pleasing to have got around to writing to him once more, proferring the re-assurance that he is in our thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate this, Mal. That was my primary calling for about 10 years (1966-76). I worked as a Probation Officer for alcohol offenders-- 800 of them over the period. Sometimes gratifying and sometimes heartbreaking.

I continue to believe that AA is the closest thing we have to primitive Christianity. And I found alcoholics very personable when sober.

Thanks for bringing up this subject with consequent memories.