Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Day's Embrace

"Hullo There"; no, you're not deluded - yes, it's me, talking to myself at this unearthly hour. No, I don't have any excuse. I know it's positively indecent to have raised myself from my bed, to get a glass of water, at this unearthly hour!

For all my dread of moving on to the higher dose of Zispin (mirtazapine), fearing a totally zombified state, after all the recent hypnotic trance states, I am actually wide-awake. This could simply be that I have not properly been to sleep, as I know I have to be up early to prepare for an 8.00am appointment with my GP.

Having entered the embrace of duvet-land before midnight, I anticipated deep hypnotic sleep instead of which I dozed spasmodically! The body entered one of those ultra-sensitive states where any slight movement or touch made me feel totally discomfited; a kind of mild cringing nausea.

So, that's my excuse for being up at this unearthly hour, what about you?

Good morning all!

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