Monday, June 06, 2005

Willing And Having

Whilst Heterocon has been dealing with technological glitches, I have attempted to keep, at least part of, my psychosomatic being aloof from such temporal stresses. This afternoon's bbw went very smoothly, not even out of breath and, as always had the best of all possible companions (ma belle Helene) to accompany me on this exercise.

Perhaps the unsolicited rest this morning, not emerging from my slumbers until almost mid-day, had recuperative powers! A slight hangoverish ache above the eyes links my psyche to the trance-like floatingness of recent history, but do I have the faith to overcome?

Quite unremarkably, I have enjoyed the day, ignoring frustrations whilst almost falling victim to their spell. The fatigued flesh is willing to leave annoyances well alone but, the spirit's sometimes weak!

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