Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Yahoo related (?) Problems

Apart from Logging In problems with Yahoo, still spasmodically ongoing, I now seem to have a further Yahoo related problem. Anyone visiting any page of my Luv4Sinners website on Geocities and, using Comodo Trust Toolbar, will find the following legend appears in the 'Trusted Display Area' : Susan Denny's About Face and in the 'Toolbar Pane' Site Credentials appear as Midwest Motorfreight, Inc.

I must admit to finding this rather perplexing as:
a) the site is a 'personal' website
b) I am an individual human being without any, nor wishing to have any, links to either of these businesses.
c) both of these companies are the other side of the Atlantic from where I reside.

Perhaps I totally misunderstand the purpose of the toolbar!

I have e-mailed Comodo to seek clarification on this matter but, Yahoo's a different problem. How is one supposed to contact them (they are always keen to receive your comments) when a search for a relevant contact address leaves one running around in circles, chasing one's own tail?

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