Sunday, June 19, 2005

Not Too Bad A Day ... After All

In spite of the prevailing atmospheric conditions and, their affect on my various minor ailments, I still managedto enjoy *Father's Day. Dinner was a huge success, an emergency prepared sneakingly hot curry (See "Malcolm's Food And Spilt Drink Column" entry for 18 June) came out even better than anticipated.

Spent mid-afternoon doing some Christmas-related (in the hope that some of the subject matter would help us to ignore the day's oppressive heat) VHS to DVD transfers. The day continued in lazy fashion, even after a storm tried to break through the days clamminess.

This evening, sadly, was the final episode of the current series of "The Last Detective" [ITV] ... our only TV viewing of the day. A very tender humour percolates each episode without detracting from the case in hand.

* for further Father's Day references see 'Some Atmosphere' on Heterocon's Blog.

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