Saturday, April 09, 2005

Abstainers Hangover

As a sufferer from abstainers hangover it is frequently difficult to know how I will be able to cope with any exertive exercise, e.g. answering the telephone, opening the door, smiling inanely at strangers as if they're customers, even preventing flatulence from effectively expressing itself. Those close to me, can vouch for this inability, especially the latter; indeed flatulence is an additional symptom of abstainers hangover. This part of the ailment is my reason for setting up a trust fund for carers of people suffering from this condition; the fund is to be called RESPITE CARE FOR NOSES.

On a real world level I visited my GP yesterday morning and, he increased my medication to help me cope with the emotional/temperamental problems mentioned in THE VENEER CRACKS. He is also arranging an appointment with a psychiatrist.

Although he's a very good GP he failed to go along with my suggestion that I should take up smoking again!

I suppose the abs. hang. diagnosis has not yet been universally accepted by the medical profession. Once acknowledged, the deluge of prescriptions for wines, spirits, beers and cigarettes would be too great for pharmacies to cope with!

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