Monday, April 04, 2005

Sought For and Grasped By

If you've visited HETEROCON's blog or A SUSCEPTIBILITY TO FAITH you will doubtless be aware of my questionings. It has always seemed a major mystery to me that some people seem to "need" a faith, others "seek" a faith or set of values by which to measure their life's course, whilst yet another group seem to be "grasped" by an ultimate concern which they have neither sought nor been aware of a need for.

My personal journey has at times embraced each of these modes, yet (at other times) I have experienced the deepest emotional and intellectual resistance to making room for such a faith. An equal resistance is felt when anyone attempts to fob me off with multifarious scientific hypotheses as facts!

Ultimately, the REALity of LOVE is such a great mystery that I feel compelled to accept this transcendent reality!