Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Asocial Anthropoids

There is a vast sub-species of anthropoid homo erectus, which apparently lives beyond the rule of any laws or social conventions. Henceforth I shall refer to them as homo automobilius. This sub-human species seem capable, at times, of sharing some of the values of homo pedestrianus. Somehow, it is only when they immerse themselves in their personalized phallic temples that they become homo supra-civil-law. Anthropologists have asserted, on occasion, that these beings are also human; regardless of gender, they quite happily put at risk the lives of all other members of the species, both automobilius and pedestrianus!

Another sub-species, known as homo policeianus, seem to ignore most of their deviant behaviour. The way things are going, h.automobilius will soon rid us of such encumberances as traffic lights, speed limits and road markings and, they will duly return to the primeval jungles and swamps that are their rightful home.

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