Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Documenting Documentaries

Our friend Graham came around this evening and, our first task was to transfer the contents of a DVD-R to VHS video for an elderly neighbour of his. In fact the material on the DVD-R proved quite interesting to both Helen and myself. It really feels good when performing a task for a neighbour becomes a pleasure in and of itself.

After that we caught up on three recently recorded TV programmes, two instalments of 'My Life As A Child', a fascinating child's eye view of themselves and their families and, a documentary 'Sad To Be Gay' in which a gay man sought help ... wondering if his sexuality was nature or nurture ... to change! The experience, in a heavily religious community stateside proved quite traumatic but, was nonetheless doomed to failure. Unlike many of the other 'clients', he wasn't starting out from a premise of self-loathing. By the end of the programme he seemed resigned to the fact that it perhaps wasn't his lot to be a husband in a traditional nuclear family. A consolation seemed to be that at least he had a 'family' in the form of his god-children. Helen and myself both felt uneasy with the healing ministry's starting premise, that somehow "being gay is not really who you are!"

Quite amazingly, in spite of still feeling rather fatigued, I managed to retain a reasonable degree of concentration for each of these short programmes.

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