Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Of Victuals and Vitality

Started the day semi-wide-awake, not semi-awake as that would seem to veer towards an unconscious awakening, around 6.00am! This was quite remarkable as, for at least 90 minutes, I'd been struggling with a bout of reflux from around 1.15am and so, lay awake at this stage.

That early start to the day was a false alarm in any case, the clutches (and even gentle coaxing) of the arms of Morpheus gained a convert. My final disengagement with the lair of sheets and duvet didn't occur until late-morning, reluctance to emerge being a temporary aberration.

Helen had, meanwhile, gone out to the day hospital where she appears to have had a rewarding session, both creative-writing wise and educational information gleaning! Having only grabbed my breakfast cereal in the latter part of the morning, a couple of slices of wholemeal bread and honey, together with a banana sufficed for lunch! I look forward to preparing some fresh salmon fillets for dinner, with my special herby spiced peppers and mushrooms; the entire dish will be subjected to a little char-grilling!

Does anyone get the hint that FOOD is beginning to play as essential part, in my life, as it does in the lore of the Hobbits?

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