Sunday, July 10, 2005

Good Morning Sunshine

The heat, or was it the "work", certainly took its toll on my sleep pattern! What pattern you may well ask? Alright, start again; the heat took its toll on my usual erratic sleep patten. Being extremely restless, when retiring shortly after the witching hour, my body and mind (in apparent co-ordination) decided to get out of bed for a hot drink, some nicotine and, a couple of hours web-surfing. The, (by now)normal, aches and pains, seem to have been exacerbated by the persistent ineradicable coating of perspiration.

Give me a few hours and I may even begin to feel awake, rather than the current trance-like state of auto-pilot typist! The discomfort, in the armpits and upper arms, does actually confirm that I am to some degree conscious!

Good morning sunshine!

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