Monday, July 25, 2005

Side by Side

So far there has been little risk of me becoming alert, at least it means no new routines to get the hang of. It's amazing that, in the space of a few minutes, on Helen's return from the day hospital, I could manage to lose a half-full tumbler of H20! It's almost enough to drive one to drink.

Apart from a bit of web-surfing, looking at paintings by old friends of mine, seeking more info and prices on widescreen laptops but, more generally following a barely conscious trail through web-sites whose content I have no recollection of.

My beloved and I are currently sat, side-by-side at our respective PC and laptop, tapping away at the keyboard to the background strains of Radio 3. We actually do talk to each other but, it's really good to check out her blog ... it saves me the effort of putting her verbal comments into some kind of perspective.

Anyway, that's enough gibberish for now. Thanks for popping by.

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