Monday, July 11, 2005

Testing Times

What a contradictory entity my body seems to be. Ambient temperature ... in the words of Mr Porter ... Too Darn'd Hot; my appetite (for food) ... also at an all time high! Usually, my complaint has been that it's too hot to eat but now, it's hot so let's generate some more heat!

Already, I'm hobbling sideways down the stairs; somehow it's too painful on the 'unsprung' knees to go down the normal way. Occasionally I challenge myself to alternate the lead* foot but, that's far too insecure a mode of travel.

*[on this occasion I mean it in the 'leed' sounding sense ... like the foot in front ... but, the lower limbs frequently feel like Pb!]

A letter arrived this morning, from the Surgery, confirming that they'd received the results of my liver function blood test and could I collect the necessary envelope for another test in three months time. Currently I seem to spend a lot of time switching between routine Thyroid function and antibodies tests, routine blood count and now it seems as if liver function is joining the roll of honour! Sorry, I forgot to mention visits to the trick-cyclist and impending related clinics: psychologist, anger-management etc. Actually the temper hasn't manifest itself much of late but then, we've had very few unwelcome cold-callers at the door.

With my current low energy levels, the computer is a god-send; I can entertain and inform myself for hours without needing to travel too far.

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